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Friday, January 27, 2012

My Favorite New Snack : Homemade Fruit on The Bottom Yogurt

Here's a little bit of trivia about me.  I love yogurt.  I have tried all different kinds.... every brand and every type imaginable.  Recently however, I have become a big fan of making my own mixes at home.  The only problem is portablity.  Well now my problem is solved.  With the help of 1/2 pint mayson jars.... you can make your own fruit on the bottom yogurts and even better, they are portable!  You can make any mix you like. 

For my mix.... I used plain Greek yogurt, berry jam, fresh blueberries and topped with a drizzle of honey and granola. 

I would love to hear what your favorite kind of yogurt is..... I am always up to try something new!

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