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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Just a lovely little Sunday.....

Started working on one of my new year goals today.  I wanted to make Sunday's our official Family Day.  Each Sunday I want to take the time to enjoy each others company... no house cleaning, laundry or errand running.  Today was quite lovely.  The morning began with all of the birdie family (even daddy bird) sitting down to a breakfast of fresh fruit, fresh baked cinnamon rolls and pipping hot cups of coffee.  No t.v, no computers or video games... just squeals of laughter and good conversation.  Next we snuggled together and watched Seabiscuit.  The mama bird set out a buffet style lunch of finger sandwiches, cheese and crackers and veggies with dip.  after that the girlie birds drew pictures and colored while the baby bird took a nap.  The mama bird got the daddy bird to help her in the kitchen..... making homemade spaghetti sauce and meatballs.  After we got the sauce on and the meatballs simmering.... we sat down to movie #2  The Green Hornet.  After the movie it was family board games.... operation followed by guess who?  The mama bird and daddy bird got quite competitive on that one!  Finally it was dinner.... baths, a little playtime with the baby bird before his bed time.  Once the baby bird was in bed... we watched one more movie together before the girlie birds turned in for the night (Thor if you must know... lol).  It was so nice just enjoying the time together.  Yes the laundry is waiting for me.... and the dishwasher needs to be unloaded... but they will be there tomorrow.  The pile up is so worth it for the kind of day we had today.

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