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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Frozen Fruit & Yogurt Roll ups......

So I have bags and bags of frozen fruit in my freezer.  Some are store bought, a lot are from myself buying up berries when they are at a great price and freezing them.  I also have a ritual of making a big fruit salad to serve with something freshly baked on Sunday mornings.  I take the left over fruit salad and put in a gallon sized ziplock and freeze it.   This makes it easy for me later to take the bag out and dump it into my blender for my smoothies!  I also love to do this because it avoids waste.  (Little known fact about me... nothing bothers me worst than fruits and veggies being wasted or being thrown away.)  Now all of this is just fine and dandy... I love having a surplus of frozen fruit.  But I found myself getting tired of only using it for the same old things.  Either it goes in a smoothie, baked in a muffin of some type or added to the batter of our pancakes/waffles.  When I came across this recipe I almost did a back flip.  No, I'm just kidding... I can't do a back flip, but honestly I was over joyed.  So alas I share with you this awesome recipe:

Frozen Fruit & Yogurt Rollups
(from Once a Month Mom)

10 flour tortillas
1-1/2 cups Vanilla yogurt
frozen berries
1/2 cup sugar
1 T. cinnamon
spray butter

Mix cinnamon & sugar on a large plate. Spray one side of a flour tortilla with butter, covering the entire surface, then place butter side down on plate with cinnamon and sugar. Press down and move around, coating one side of tortilla in cinnamon and sugar.
Next, place tortilla, sugar side down on another plate. Spread about 1/8 cup of yogurt (I just eyeball this, I don’t measure) in a strip a little left of the center. Add some frozen berries (I bought a bag of mixed, strawberries, black berries, raspberries and blue berries- I cut the strawberries up). Roll the tortilla tight and place on a large cookie sheet.
Continue the process with the rest of the tortillas.
Place the cookie sheet in the freezer for about 2 hours. Remove from freezer, cut each tortilla in half and place them in a large zip lock bag and put them back in the freezer for storage.
To Serve:
Take out of bag and eat immediately. You can let them thaw a little bit, but if you let them thaw too long, they’re mushy, but can be eaten that way too.
Variations: you can try this with different flavors of yogurt and different fruits. Strawberries and bananas would be good…..just be sure to cut the strawberries up, a whole strawberry is hard to eat when frozen.

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