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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Five Things I can't Live Without - When Living With Kids.....

I love my kids..... more than anything.  They bring me joy, happiness and fulfillment.  Ninety nine percent of the time I love being a mom, and 1 percent of the time, well I fake it.  I have found that living with kids while rewarding can also be challenging, as anyone reading this who has children know.  For those of you who don't or are just in the beginning stages of parenthood, I thought I would list my top five things that I can't live without that help me from going insane on those 1 percent days....

Storage bins - okay seriously this sounds dumb, but trust me you won't be saying that when you step on a lego at 2 a.m when you are on your way down the hall to tend to a early morning feeding.  I have multiple storage bins, large sterolite ones that sit in my garage with air tight lids keep the kiddos off season clothing ( in a house with three kids there are way to many clothes for all four seasons to store in the closet at the same time).  I have bins that slide under the beds to hold board games and toys that are not part of the everyday play, and small bins that are easy to get to and carry for the little ones which hold everything from art supplies to matchbox cars and animal pet shops.  Spend a little extra and get thick durable ones (I prefer Sterolite), and bins with lids are always a plus ( and preferred in my house). Also look for bins that can stack upon one another.

Easy Footwear - Again sounds stupid right?  You may even be cringing at the thought of crocs.... but again let me say that you will thank me later I promise.  Each of my kiddos have a pair of crocs for the spring and summer months.  When you have a baby on one arm, your car keys and diaper bag in the other, and you are dangling a bottle from your teeth attempting to get the kiddos out the door so that you can get to the doctors appointment you are about to miss, you don't want to be fiddling around with laces and buckles.  The same rings true for winter months.  Each of my kiddos also own a pair of Ugg or Emu boots (for cold winter months) and a pair of rain boots because trust me, no matter how many times you say stay out of that big puddle... they are going to track right through it anyways. 

Activity Tote/Bag - each of my kids have a tote bag filled and ready to go at all times.  You can keep this in the trunk of your car or in the guest closet of your home.  Each bag includes crayons or markers with coloring and activity books, cheap plastic toys (like the little bag of animals you can find at the dollar store) that you won't be upset over if it happens to accidentally get left behind,  a bottle of water, and granola bar (or some other kind of handy snack).  These packed totes are lifesavers for me when we are stuck in traffic, or at the doctors office.  Any style of tote will do, even a reusable grocery bag can be used.  I happen to be in love with the custom tote above find it here.

Digital Ear Thermometer - simply stated: quick, efficient, easy to read and trust me that is all you want when your baby is screaming and burning hot at 3 in the morning.

Real quality time - life gets so busy in this byrdie house.  School for the kiddos, housework, cooking, dishes, laundry, pets, grocery shopping, working etc.  If you listen to nothing else I say... please listen to this.  Try to do something at least once a week with your kiddos.  Whether it be going out someplace so you can remove yourself from anything that will distract or temp you ( that unfolded basket of laundry, or dishes in the sink) or doing something together at home.  I try to do this a few times a week... it might be going out to breakfast on a Sunday morning or driving to the beach for the afternoon.  It can be an after school trip to the park for a couple of hours, or my favorite a movie night at home with a dvd rental and snacks.  Our family likes to make a nest of blankets and pillows when we do this.  The point is.... no cell phone, computers or chores.  Simply sit, dig, laugh, eat, run, joke, play, snuggle and truly take in these moments with your kiddos. 

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