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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Five Things I Can't Live Without - My Grocery Staples

Greek Yogurt - I usually buy plain and add my own mixes

Sandwich Thins - for a bread lover like me... these are a lifesaver.  Each thin (top and bottom piece) equal a total of only 100 calories.  I make sandwiches on them, use them as toast and I have even made breadcrumbs out of them.

Coffee - anyone who knows me knows that I have an obsession with coffee.  Perhaps more than I should.  I drink anywhere from 3 to 5 cups a day.

Spinach - by far my favorite green veggie, I use it for my salads, as a replacement for lettuce on my sandwiches and I cook with it a lot. 

Berries - while I love most fruit, berries are by far my favorite.  I almost always have a berry fruit salad mix in my fridge.

Trail Mix - okay I lied... there are six things I have to have.  I love trail mix... almost any kind will do although I am partial to mixes with nuts, raisins, dried fruit and yogurt chips. 

What about you?  Anything you have to have in your pantry?

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