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Monday, March 5, 2012

Recipes You Have To Try.....

So each of my kiddos have been sick for the last week!  One at a time of course... so it drags out.  First the baby byrd, then the Haylei byrd and now the Sumo byrd.  Sheesh!  Oh and the daddy byrd is not feeling so hot today... so guess who is probably next?  Yep... that aside, since I have been stuck inside my house all week, I have been using it to my advantage.  I have been pretty busy purging and organizing the house.  I have also been cooking up a storm trying a whole bunch of new recipes!  Gotta love Pinterest!   I wanted to share a few of the recipes I have made over the last week that I really really loved!

Cumin Lime and Chickpea Salad (pictured above) -   I actually made this today... I ate it with a dollop of greek yogurt and some lavash.  It is super yummy and easy and... duh duh duh duh healthy!  The baby byrd actually stole it from me and ate it up!

Puffed Pancakes - I made this on Sunday morning with fresh fruit and powdered sugar... it was so deli-sh!

Salsa Poached Eggs and Grits - I made this one on Friday night.  I used couscous instead of grits, which totally worked.  Brown rice would work well too!  Also if poached eggs aren't your thing... you could cook the eggs separate to your liking ( my hubby prefers over medium).  This was really quick and yummy.  Would be awesome for Breakfast. 

Cucumber Tomato Salad - The husband could not get enough of this!  Again simple, cheap, healthy, yummy and is great on day two as well.  This would be perfect to pack in a lunch with a small pita to spoon it into! 

Have any awesome recipes I should try?  Please leave a comment with a link if you do!  I am always looking for new things to try!

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