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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Anniversary.....

9 years ago I met this boy.... he was tall and thin. He wore oversized button downs, baggy pants and he always had on a baseball cap. He was quiet and shy, intelligent and loyal. 8 years ago that boy, he married this girl. They have had good times and hard times. They have swam with sting rays in Jamaica, eaten little tacos on a side street in Cozumel and been down in the pits at the Daytona 500.  They have cried on eachothers shoulders when they have each experienced loss, layed together in bed listening to thunderstorms while making future plans and stayed up late on many nights trying to figure out how they were gonna pay all the bills.  They brought three perfect little beings into this earth, each half of them both.  They have laughed, loved, cried and felt joy but always with eachother.  Well that girl (me) and that boy (my wonderful husband) We have been married for 8 years today.  I love you so much Chris.....  more than words could ever say.  Happy Anniversary. 

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