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Monday, January 2, 2012

Indulging in Delivery Pizza...... the right way

You know those kinda days... when you are go, go, go all day.  Then you look at the clock and it is 5:00 p.m and you relize you didn't defrost anything for dinner?  Or more importantly.... you are too tired to even think about cooking?  Yeah that was today...... after house cleaning, errand running and finally grocery shopping I looked at the clock and relized that it was an hour til dinner.  As I looked at my little birdies in the rear view mirror, I decided I would rather spend an hour at the park running and playing with them.... then frantically scrambling to make up something for dinner. 
     So to the park we went.... I had fun, the kiddos had fun, and then the mama swung by the local pizza joint and grabbed a large pizza to go.
     Now I am all about eating healthy.  Even on a night like tonight.... with cheesey ooey gooey goodness in hand, you can still stick to healthy eating and habits.  The average large cheese pizza slice is about 250 calories.  Now, that is a lot of calories for only one piece right?  And seriously who is gonna get full off of one slice?  Here is where the problem comes in.  You think your gonna be good and eat just one, but as everyone else dives into slice 2 and 3 and you sit feeling unsatisfied..... you find yourself caving in.  Now your 250 calorie dinner went to 500, 750 or even 1000.
    Here comes in Sarah's solution.  I like to whip up a quick batch of my mock ranch dip and slice up a big heap of veggies.  I take a slice of pizza...... cut it in half and leave one half in the box.  I sit down with the other half of the slice and consume.  I then load up on veggies and dip.  This light dip which I call "skinny dip" only has 65 calories in two tablespoons with a full cup of sliced veggies.  Now you are getting some veggies in with your pizza which is always a plus, and your not starving.  Sometimes I am satisfied enough at this... other times I go back and pick up the other half my slice.  The key is to keep temptation out of reach (hence leaving the other half in the box) and to make better choices handy. 
     Here is the recipe for the "skinny Dip" :


1/2 cup buttermilk (you can save a few more calories if you use reduced fat buttermilk)
1/3 cup light mayonnaise
1/4 cup plain nonfat yogurt
1 1/2 teaspoons of Mrs. Dash seasoning
1/2 teaspoon galic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/8 teaspoon salt
Sliced Veggies ( I prefer cucumber, carrots and cheery tomatoes)


In a small bowl, whisk the buttermilk, mayo, yogurt, Mrs. Dash, garlic powder, onion powder, pepper and salt together.  Cover and place in refridgerator and chill for 30 min.

Serve dip with sliced veggies

Calories :
1/2 slice of cheese pizza and two servings of dip and veggies - 255 calories
1 slice of cheese pizza with one serving of dip and veggies -  315 calories
1 slice of cheese pizza with two servings of dip and veggies -  380 calories

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